I believe Rebecca and I, both, are feeling a little down right now. We're not sure if it's our bodies trying to get used to the changes we're making or what.
Speaking for myself, I don't feel anything happening. Of course, technically, we didn't officially start until Tuesday. I know...I know...it's just the beginning of my third day. I should cut myself some slack. But truthfully, I have not been hungry. I'm doing my correct servings and I know I'm eating less, but I just haven't been hungry.
I'm sure some of you are thinking,
Well, be thankful for that! I am. Believe me. I'm just wondering if I'm eating too many servings. Even though I'm following my plan. I haven't weighed myself since Sunday either, choosing rather to give myself an entire week before doing that. Maybe that is contributing to how I'm feeling. On top of the fact, I'm pretty sure my husband has already lost four pounds. So if I get on that scale Sunday and I've lost nothing, I'll be devastated. Maybe I'm worrying too much.
I can't explain it, maybe you regular dieters out there will understand, when I say I'm not "feelin' it."
Well anyway, I made my first batch of applesauce, which turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. The plan that Bruce and I are using allows for 1/2 c of unsweetened applesauce as a serving of fruit. With this recipe I did use a very small amount of sugar. I doubled the recipe below,
except where the sugar comes in. I only used the amount of sugar for a single batch, which was only 2 to 3 TBS. Honestly, though, these apples were so good, I think I could have gone with no sugar at all, and I'll be doing exactly that with my next batch. The children have enjoyed heating this up and eating it with their lunch.
Again, this recipe is for a single serving. You can omit the sugar all together if you like.

8 apples, peeled, cored & sliced
1 cup water
2-3 tablespoons sugar (to taste)

1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 pinch ground cloves (optional)

1Put apples and water in saucepan.
2Cover and bring to boil.
3lower heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes.
4Stir in sugar, cinnamon and cloves (if using).
5Cook until all sugar is dissolved.

6Serve warm or let cool.