Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm Hungry, Mother! Really I Am!

I feel like Rolly from 101 Dalmatians. Remember when he would look at his mother and say, "I'm hungry, Mother, really I am." I've been hungry all day. I guess that's what I get for worrying about not being hungry last week. But I can say that I've been good.

Sunday night I had nursery and was feeling really weird. Kind of weak in my thighs and having a cold sweat. I had eaten great that day, keeping to my plan. But I could tell my body was needing something. So since I was in the nursery and the ankle biters had eaten all the gold fish that morning (hehe) I ate several animal crackers. I felt like I was cheating and was beating myself up on the inside for it until I read in my Weight Warriors exchanges that I could have animal crackers. I was very happy and don't you think they aren't on my grocery list! Of course, since I can only have eight at a time, those big containers from Wal Mart should last a good while.

What kind of snacks do you keep on hand for those "moments?


Susan said...

I have had similar weak spells like that while dieting.I usually eat a bite of cheese or maybe a few crackers.It seems to help till my next meal.I'm not sure what you can have on your diet.I am trying the weight watchers diet,the point system.I usually get a very hungry spell around mid afternoon every day.Sometimes it takes our body awhile to get use to new eating habits.Good luck with your diet,sounds like you are doing great.Have a good evening. God Bless.

Bless said...

Those MOMENTS!!! Well, as your weight loss buddy, I keep Gala apples handy and mountain trail mix.
Today is cheat day though, I have enjoyed it, but I am already paying for it with heartburn and stomach cramps.
It will actually be good to eat less and watch what I am eating and exercising. Although, I can always look forward to "Cheat Day" when I start craving stuff I shouldn't have.
Wait a minute I should have made this a post not a comment!
Snacking on granola bars right now.