Monday, September 15, 2008

YeeHAWWW! Get along little Doggies....

I am SO EXCITED! I feel like riding a horse, well ok NOT really. Horses always run away with me on their back. Anyway, I am so proud of Kristi!! I stepped on that bloomin' scale yesterday, and it said I hadn't lost a single pound! I was nearly upset, except in the hall before class, a sweet woman told me that I looked like I was losing weight in my mid-section! Whoohoo! I think I floated up those stairs to Sunday School.
Then last night, another young woman told me that I looked like I was losing inches or weight!
Wow, so even the little bit I have done is starting to be noticed.
I stepped on my trusty scientific scale this morning and weighed the lowest amount yet, since I have started! I was sooooooo thrilled. I ran and called Kristi first thing!
So as of this morning, by my scale, I have lost 9 pounds total.

Tomorrow is cheat day! LOL!
Ya'll have a blessed day.


Kristi said...

I thought Tuesday was your cheat day. Did Ted change his days off?

CONGRATULATIONS...are we having fun yet? I am!!!


Bless said...

I am having fun now that I finally lost enough weight to see a change!
Cheat Day is a mental paradox. YOu look forward to it all week like a carrot dangling in front of a donkey. Then when it arrives you don't want to mess up, so you don't cheat very much for fear of ruining all your hard work.
Yes, Tuesdays are cheat days, did I write it wrong? Oh, and the clock on this page is soo wrong. I was so NOT awake at 6:41am. It was like 8am ish when I wrote that post.